Behold the Christ

Getting to know the heart and mind of Jesus Christ from Psalm 119


It has been several months since my last blog entry.  In case you were wondering where I have been, I am still fully engaged in memorizing Psalm 119 which also implies learning the Hebrew language.  At the moment, I am up to verse 30 (only 146 more verses to go, and I am still intending to finish […]

Psalm 138:2 — Does God Exalt His Sayings above His Identity?

There are two Hebrew words that commonly get translated into English as “word”.  These two words are: דבר  (“dabar” or also pronounced “davar”) – Definition: “word” with focus on the meaning behind the word; the essence of the communication; reason; similar to the Greek word   λόγος (logos) אמר  (“emmer” or also pronounced “ammar”) – Definition: utterance; spoken word; “saying” with […]

Psalm 119:1 The Complete Christian Life

This is the second blog post on verse 1 of this prayer of our Lord Jesus Christ to His Father.  In the Hebrew, verse 1 is: אשרי  תמימי  דרך   ההלכים  בתורת  יהוה Transliteration:      Ah-shuh-ray  tah-mee-may  duh-rekh      Hah-hah-low-keem  bee-tor-aht  YHWH Translation:      Blessed is the complete way [life/manner of living]      Those who walk in the instruction of YHWH. This is the first verse of this […]

Psalm 119:19 Taking refuge in God’s commandments

Verse 19: Hebrew: גר  אנכי  באךץ  אל  תסתר  ממני  מצותיך     . Transliteration:      Gar  ahn-oh-kee  buh-aretz  ahl  tahss-tair  muh-men-ee  mitz-woe-tee-chah Translation:      I am a stranger in the land (on the earth), oh do not hide your commandments from me. It can be very disorienting, being in a strange place. When we are in a strange place, we reach for a guide, a map, directions—something or someone to show us […]

Psalm 119:20 Crushing the Soul of Christ

Verse 20 in the Hebrew: גרסה  נפשי  לתאבה  אל משפטיך  בכל עת      Transliteration:    Gar-uh-saw  nahp-shee  luh-tah-ahb-aw  el mish-paw-tay-chah  buh-kawl  ayt Translation:    My soul is crushed with longing for your wise judgments at all times (or “in all circumstances”). Jesus didn’t just value the wise judgments of YHWH, He didn’t just long for the wise judgments of YHWH, he didn’t just yearn for the wise […]

Psalm 119:17 The purpose of life?

In Psalm 119:17, Jesus implies an assertion which is mind-blowing, and disagrees vehemently with the desire of our natural (Fallen-Nature) heart. Here is Psalm 119:17 גמל על עבדך אחיה ואשמרה דברךHebrew:   Transliteration:  Geh-mohl  ahl  ahbuh-duh-chah  wuh-esh-mohr-ah  duh-bah-reh-chah Literal translation: Deal bountifully with your servant/slave so I will live and keep Your word. The Hebrew syntax (structure) of this verse suggests […]