Why read this book?

So, the reader may ask, why should I read this book? What is the value in this book to me?

Here are some of the at least 176 very good reasons to read this book:

  • You will get to personally know Jesus Christ and His Fatherprobably muchbetter than you did before you read this book.

  • If you went back in time 2,000 years to the dusty roads of Galilee and Judea, and had an opportunity to walk beside Jesus, and ask Him any of these questions, what would His answers be?
    • “Lord, what are you thinking about right now?”  (Hint: The answer is ALWAYS the same.)
    • “Lord, what is it in life that you are most passionate about?”
    • “Lord, is it a difficult burden to keep all the Laws of God without ever messing up?”
    • “Lord, do you get your understanding, insight, and wisdom the same way I do?”
    • “Lord, have you ever performed a miracle to reduce the pain and discomfort you felt in the midst of any trial you faced?” (In other words, “Have You ever used Your God-powers to make Your life easier? Or were you actually hurt in all the same ways I am hurt in my life?”)
    • “Lord, how do you emotionally process excruciating pain and disappointment in your life?”
    • “Lord, what do you feel when others try to trick you into doing wrong things?
    • “Lord, exactly howis it that by You obeying all the Laws of God and then dying for my sin, does that accomplish my righteousness?  I mean, I know it does, but I don’t understand HOW it works. Can you explain that to me?”
    • “Lord, what do you think about the idea of trying to get smarter and smarter by using computers to analyze lots and lots of data? I mean, it seems like it should work, but often those who base big decisions on that approach seem to make some of the most colossal mistakes.  Why is that?  Am I missing something here?”
    • “Lord, you say that eternal life is experientially knowing the Father and You. So, I definitely want to do that. Please tell me, how do I bestget to really know You better?”

You might guess at the answer to the above questions based on your understanding of other passages in Scripture, but a careful study of Psalm 119 unequivocally reveals the answers to all the above questions, as well as at least 100 more.

Additionally:If you struggle, as many do, with how to balance God’s Grace and God’s Law, then you need to read this book.  After you have digested the insights Jesus gives us in Psalm 119, you will not struggle with that question again. You will clearly see how they fit together without contradicting each other. You will clearly see how each works to strengthen and exalt the other, as opposed to a common notion that they are in some sort of tension with each other.